
The discovery that your husband is secretly struggling with compulsive sexual behavior can feel like your world has been turned upside down. If you’ve recently learned your spouse is a sex addict, you’re likely experiencing a whirlwind of painful emotions – shock, anger, confusion, despair. You may feel like you don’t even know who your partner really is anymore. Can your marriage survive this betrayal? Is there hope for healing, both individually and as a couple?

First, know that you are not alone in this struggle. Sex addiction is more prevalent than many people realize. Experts estimate that 3-6% of American adults suffer from compulsive sexual behavior disorder.1 This behavioral addiction is characterized by persistent, repetitive engagement in sexual fantasies, urges and behaviors that cause significant distress and impairment in a person’s life. Common behaviors may include compulsive porn use, masturbation, visiting prostitutes, anonymous encounters, and multiple affairs.2

For partners of sex addicts, uncovering the secret life of their spouse shatters the very foundation of trust and intimacy in the relationship. You may wonder how you missed the signs for so long. Many spouses question their own judgment and perception of reality. After all, how could the person you thought you knew better than anyone turn out to be leading an entirely secretive existence? It’s normal to experience intense feelings of hurt, anger, self-doubt and disorientation. Your belief in what’s true and dependable has been shaken to the core.

Fortunately, there is hope and help available for both addicts and their partners.

In the 25 years since the concept of “sexual addiction” was first introduced by Patrick Carnes, a robust field of research and clinical knowledge has emerged to better understand and treat this disorder. A 2020 systematic review of empirical studies published in the journal Clinical Psychology Review found that hundreds of studies on compulsive sexual behavior have been conducted in the past two decades.3 This body of research provides valuable insights and direction for couples navigating the aftermath of sex addiction.

Michelle’s Story

Michelle, a 38-year-old nurse and mother of two, had been married to her husband John for 12 years when she stumbled across emails on his laptop revealing multiple affairs spanning the past decade. Shell-shocked, Michelle confronted John that night. He broke down and confessed to a secret pornography habit since adolescence that had escalated in recent years to seeing prostitutes and pursuing extramarital hookups.

In the following weeks, Michelle cycled through periods of rage, despair, and numbness as the life she thought she knew crumbled around her. She kicked John out of the house and told him not to come back until he got help. Michelle’s well-meaning friends gave her conflicting advice, from “once a cheater, always a cheater” to “stand by your man.” Feeling lost and alone, she found a therapist who specialized in betrayal trauma and began attending a local support group for spouses of sex addicts.

As she learned more about the addiction cycle and its roots in John’s untreated childhood trauma, Michelle began to have more compassion for her husband while still holding him accountable. She set firm boundaries, including a requirement that he enter residential treatment for sex addiction and give her complete access to his devices. Slowly, as John progressed in recovery and they both committed to couples therapy, Michelle started to feel glimmers of hope. Trust would have to be rebuilt through consistent action over time. But she was beginning to see that healing was possible – both for her marriage and within herself.

Steps to Heal from Your Spouse’s Sex Addiction

If you’ve recently discovered your spouse is a sex addict, here are some key steps you can take to begin the healing process:

  1. Prioritize self-care. Learning of your partner’s sexual betrayal is traumatic. You may be experiencing symptoms of PTSD, including nightmares, flashbacks, hypervigilance and difficulty concentrating.4 Give yourself permission to put your own oxygen mask on first. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating healthy meals, exercising, and leaning on supportive friends and family. Consider seeing an individual therapist who specializes in betrayal trauma to process your emotions in a safe space.
  2. Educate yourself about sex addiction. The more you understand the science behind compulsive sexual behavior, the more empowered you will feel. Read books by respected experts in the field, such as “Out of the Shadows” by Patrick Carnes or “Mending a Shattered Heart” by Stefanie Carnes. Remember, your spouse’s addiction is not about you. Addicts often have a history of childhood trauma, attachment wounds, and neurochemical vulnerabilities that fuel the compulsive cycle – it’s not due to your inadequacy as a partner.5
  3. Set boundaries to feel safe. It’s okay to ask for what you need in order to feel stable in the wake of this disclosure. That may mean sleeping in separate rooms for a while, or requesting that your spouse pursue a formal treatment program for sexual addiction. Be clear about your expectations and don’t compromise your non-negotiables. At the same time, try to have compassion for the shame and remorse your spouse is likely feeling. Avoid attacking them as a person, while still holding them accountable for their hurtful choices.
  4. Consider couples therapy. Healing from sexual betrayal is a long journey that often requires professional support. Look for a marriage counselor who has science-based training in helping couples and specific training in treating spouses impacted by sex addiction. The counselor can help you communicate your pain constructively to your partner, while also guiding you to evaluate if there’s potential to restore trust over time. Couples therapy can provide a space to grieve, rage, ask hard questions, and gradually reconnect.
  5. Resist the urge to play detective. When your trust has been shattered, it’s tempting to obsessively check your spouse’s phone, email, browser history, and whereabouts for further evidence of betrayal. But this hypervigilance keeps you stuck in a state of trauma and anxiety. Decide to either trust your partner’s commitment to recovery or set a boundary to leave the relationship. You cannot control your spouse’s choices – you can only control how you respond. Work with your therapist to let go of the impulse to investigate so you can focus your energy on healing.
  6. Find a support system. Look into 12-step groups for partners of sex addicts, like COSA or S-Anon.6 Here you can find comfort and wisdom from others who understand the unique pain of this experience. You may also seek out a faith community, close friends, or an online support group of fellow betrayed spouses. Knowing others have walked this path and survived can provide immense hope.
  7. Focus on your own healing. Rebuilding your marriage after sexual betrayal requires extensive effort from both you and your partner. But regardless of your spouse’s recovery progress, commit yourself to the courageous work of self-discovery. Perhaps past traumas have been triggered that require tending. Underlying codependent patterns may need to be addressed. Ultimately, your healing cannot be dependent on your spouse’s – it must be rooted in your own resilience and growth. Use this crisis as a catalyst to become the most authentic, confident version of yourself.

Although the road ahead may feel daunting, many couples do survive sexual addiction and betrayal. In fact, some marriages become even stronger through the recovery process, as both partners commit to radical honesty, vulnerability and personal growth. If you and your spouse pursue consistent support and do the hard work of healing, it is possible to rebuild an even more intimate bond on the other side of this storm. No matter what the future holds for your relationship, believe that you will make it through this painful chapter. By prioritizing your own wellbeing and leaning on available resources, you can emerge with greater strength, clarity and hope.


  1. Dickenson, J. A., Gleason, N., Coleman, E., & Miner, M. H. (2018). Prevalence of distress associated with difficulty controlling sexual urges, feelings, and behaviors in the United States. JAMA Network Open1(7).
  2. Kafka, M. P. (2010). Hypersexual disorder: A proposed diagnosis for DSM-V. Archives of Sexual Behavior39(2), 377–400.
  3. Grubbs, J. B., Hoagland, K. C., Lee, B. N., Grant, J. T., Davison, P., Reid, R. C., & Kraus, S. W. (2020). Sexual addiction 25 years on: A systematic and methodological review of empirical literature and an agenda for future research. Clinical Psychology Review82, 101925.
  4. Steffens, B. A., & Rennie, R. L. (2006). The traumatic nature of disclosure for wives of sexual addicts. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity13(2-3), 247–267.
  5. Hall, P. (2013). Understanding and treating sex addiction: A comprehensive guide for people who struggle with sex addiction and those who want to help them. Routledge.
  6. Cavaglion, G. (2008). Voices of coping in an Italian self-help virtual community of cyberporn dependents. CyberPsychology & Behavior11(5), 599–601.